Kantor & Kantor Webinar Series: How to Advocate for Eating Disorder Treatment – Part One
Event Date: May 8, 2020
Event Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Partner Elizabeth Green, and senior attorney Cari Schwartz specialize in coverage for mental health treatment and litigate cases across the country to hold insurance companies accountable. If you or a family member are suffering from an eating disorder and experiencing difficulties with insurance coverage, we at Kantor & Kantor are here to help. We have designed a two-part, complimentary webinar to provide patients and their families with knowledge and insights to help you get health benefits authorized for eating disorder treatment. Part two will be held on July 9, 2020, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (PST).
Our webinar series is free and all are welcome to attend.